Careers and Work Experience
Our main outcomes from our careers plan are;
Where appropriate;
- All students at Woodlands receive a stable Careers Programme
- To enable all students to learn from information provided by the Career and labour market
- The Careers Education Information Advice and Guidance Programme is indvidualised and address the needs of each student
- Link the curriculum learning to careers learning
- Provides students with meaningful encounters with employers and employees
- Provides students with experiences of work places
- Ensure the opportunity for personal guidance to all students
- Provides students with local offer information in a timely manner
- Offer of regular encounters with Further and Higher Education information sessions and visits; including internships, appenticeships and additional training opportunities
- To review and update the Careers offer annually, based on feedback
Careers, Work Experience and Destinations Team
Helen Southwell Trustee |
Ann-Marie Gilbert Assistant Headteacher Careers Leader |
Lauren Church Careers and Work Experience Coordinator |
Employer and Business Encounters
We continually track, and source employer and business contracts, to support our students and provide them with invaluable work focused opportunities, through the exploration of job roles within their organisations, local visits or presentations and workshops delivered in school.
These also include work experience and voluntary placements
The employer Encounters for 2024-2024 are:
Useful Links